Hoosier Leadership Workshop
2020 Workshop:
April 3-5 2020
Lakeview Villages
13501 W Lake Rd.
Seymour, IN 47274
What to expect at Workshop:
If you’ve never attended a Rec Lab/Leadership Workshop before, you may be wondering what it’s like.
HLW is a very unique experience. We bring together a group of 50-125 people who may or may not have ever met. We all gather together and bond for just a few short days, while learning new skills and having a lot of fun. The workshop is structured to teach by experience how you can create bonds and teach skills to a diverse group in a short time frame. We’ve chosen and planned elements to maximize learning while still allowing everyone to have a great time and see what it’s like to learn in a fun, recreation oriented environment.
So, what is the program like? Below we’ll break down the schedule and give some details about some of HLW’s program distinctives.
Friday Night Party:
This is first full group activity, (well, besides dinner). We do mixers, some dancing, and try to get to know one another. Generally, our main resource people lead some activities to give everyone a taste of their specialties.
Saturday Morning General Session:
This is an all workshop session, it’s the only thing scheduled at this time. Our main resource person is the presenter for this program. Generally, it’s very participatory. HLW is about active learning after all.
Individual Classes:
There are 4 class sessions throughout the weekend (2 Saturday, 2 Sunday). These are “breakout sessions” where you choose from 2 different options that broadly fall into the categories of Leadership/Active Recreation or Arts and Crafts. You’ll join an experienced instructor and a group of 5-30 other active learners to develop a new skill or learn a new technique.
Free Time:
While self-explanatory, it’s good to note that we build in a little bit of free time specifically to allow people to catch up with other workshoppers, meet new people, rest, or try out that awesome new group activity you haven’t got to do yet.
Saturday Evening Party:
Like the Friday evening party, this program usually follows our theme for the workshop, and often involves a special activity created just for this year’s workshop. Another exciting tradition is that this is a costume party. Look at the theme for the year, and go all out with costumes
Share Fair:
This is your chance to shine. Part conference exhibit, part swap meet, part craft show. This is an open forum for participants to show off anything they would like. We will have tables and open spaces available. You can bring things to sell/trade/give away. You can teach a mini class. You can demonstrate something you enjoy. You can plug your own organization. With a few limitations (everything needs to be legal and ethical of course) the sky is the limit.
Cookout Breakfast:
An annual tradition at HLW. We set up outdoor cookstations, and everyone cooks their own bacon, eggs and pancakes. Enjoy getting up early and cooking outdoors with your newfound friends.